Tuesday, December 9, 2008


After reading my classmate's blog, I agree that Obama has a huge crisis to deal with. This is the best time for the new President-elect Obama to establish his credibility and develop a prosperous plan that will awaken the American and global economy. Also, there are other presidents have faced economic challenges, such as Roosevelt, Truman, and Reagan. Our main focus is the economy because that affects the circulation of money, the base value of money, the abundance of money, and the portion that comes our way. With the recent economic activity, our markets are fluctuating and our citizens are devastated by the mere thought of another depression. At the same time, Obama can capitalize on the current economic crisis to exert his capability to handle the duties of office. Obama might even win re-election if he can solve the current economic crisis because Truman and Roosevelt held office the following term, except Reagan resigned due to the Watergate incidence. This first step will determine how effective Obama will be.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reach of Government?

Government controls their citizens by emplacing and implementing laws to maintain peace. Most laws cover previous issues, court cases, and most crimes today, but in this article, the case presented to a jury in California has many twists. The issue presented in this case is Megan Meier, a 13 year old girl, who committed suicide due to a 49 year old woman, Lori Drew, who posed as a young teenage boy on Myspace and rejected her. At one point, Lori encouraged Megan to commit suicide, where she directed all her depression. The current charges against Lori is conspiracy and 3 counts of accessing protected computers.

There are some intriguing questions that come to mind when we think about this case. Even though Lori did not kill Megan, she tempted her to do so. Should Lori be charged with attempted murder even though she did not take any direct actions? The issue with that charge is that it would most likely open up more than thousands of cases and the fact that Megan committed suicide upon her own will. Another argument in this case would involve rules and regulations of Myspace. Lori falsely advertised herself as a young teenage boy, which means that she agreed to each term of service and certified that she was the actual person. Also, Myspace did not catch onto Lori's fake profile, along with a couple thousand out there still.

Our original government was designed to function in a certain way, and has powers granted by the Constitution, but that does not mean it protects everyone from everything. There are gaps and loopholes within our governmental structure, and that is why many cases file for appeals yearly. So how far can government exercise its powers, mandate its jurisdiction, or protect our rights?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Should Insurance be Insured to All?

Insurance is one of our biggest concerns as a citizen because it is our safety net. It applies to many things in life today, ranging from over 150 types of insurance, but there are few we are primarily concerned with. Some examples are: auto insurance, car insurance, dental insurance, or health insurance.

It sounds great, that a company or somebody out there will be able to support us if we ever have an issue, but insurance is not free. We make steady payments overtime to provide the insurers money if we ever need their support. To the average citizen who has and pays their insurance without struggling to maintain stability economic-wise, they can sleep easier at night because they have a wall to lean on. If their car gets broken into or they get into a car accident, their car and/or auto insurance will help them restore their car. That is why our government strives for each of us to acquire insurance, so that we all have assistance in our payments if we ever need to.

But a fault in this theory are those who do not have insurance. A portion of drivers today have no insurance. When they get into an accident, they have to make the full payment in cash, but what if they can't? They might have the brilliant idea to go make a loan to repay what they owe. Or, we all pay more for our insurance to spot for those who do not have insurance. We wonder why some people don't have insurance for their own sake, but that is where their problems begin. Maybe they can't afford to make the payments, they lost their job and all their benefits, they're illegal citizens, or they are just flat-out lazy bums who seep through our laws. The fact is that most of us need insurance to help us pay off all our fees. Should the government be involved in insuring each citizen, at the risk of our economy today, or should they corrupt us even further?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sarah Palin, SHUT UP

For some odd reason, Sarah Palin just flares a temper within me every time she talks. In this article, Peter Hamby is trying support Palin's exposition of Senator Barack Obama for his connections to ACORN because there is a conspiracy within their voter registration processes, and her confidence within her campaign to win the White House. Hamby is trying to help push the McCain campaign by using this article to leverage the media coverage in McCain's favor, but this article is easily countered. ACORN was formerly involved in McCain's campaign as well, so this entire article has lost all credibility in any attempt to attack the Obama campaign.

I find this entertaining when Palin speaks, especially when she is contradicted. Her words are demolishing the McCain campaign. It gave me a chuckle when she was excited about getting her office on November 4th. She completely ignored the basis of the question being asked, exactly like her interview with Katie Couric. The campaigns are coming to extremely crucial times, and each candidate is under careful inspection. Besides, state governors transitioning straight into the White House have not performed well so far, like our current president, who sadly came from this state.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Government to the rescue?

After reading this article from the New York Times, the current bailout plan might have a chance of survival. But if it was denied once already by the House, what will make them reconsider? David Herszenhorn and Robert Pear wrote this article to persuade and inform people about the difference the bailout plan can make in our future. The bailout plan was drafted due to the recent chaos within the economic industry; the intent is to stabilize the American economy to its original state. There were several revisions the Senate made to the proposed bill before sending it back to the House of Representatives for a further review. Some members from the House have publicly announced their decision to approve of the bill, such as, Zach Wamp, Jim Ramstad, Emmanuel Cleaver II, and John Lewis. Alterations have been made to the bill, but we still do not have an exact idea on the impact it will have upon the nation.

Herszenhorn and Pear wrote this article to everyone within the nation. I believe their intent was to gain the approval of the nation, and try to convince some politicians. They throw information on this paper, giving us details into some specifics of the bill, which sounds like it would benefit the nation. It would take some inside information to receive current and factual data from the White House, so their article is standing upon solid ground. I agree with Herszenhorn and Pear because there aren't any other solutions yet, and all we can do is hope for the best. This bill didn't beat the PATRIOT Act's approval record, but it might be one of Bush's last strikes before leaving office.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can the government help plan the future?

Derived from the Austin American Statesman, this article discusses the release of an online calculator that will help you plan your child's college tuition. This is a great tool for any parent who is deeply concerned about their child's future and having the financial status to support them all the way. Now, parents can estimate how much they have to save each month in order to cover their child's first year of college. This might help lower the debt of future students who graduate from any Texas University. You can either participate and register for the Texas Tuition Promise Fund, or you can simply store this money in a bank account. Why not take a look into this? College is where we all intend to go, so take advantage and plan ahead.